If you are like everyone else, your Facebook page…email inbox…even your favorite magazine covers are all screaming at you to follow your dreams! One beautiful image after another, with a truly inspiring quote, shows up time and time again. Then there are those precious animal pictures that show how some tiny kitten has climbed an unimaginable ladder and made it to the top, insinuating that YOU can too! In this world of positive thinking, affirmations and thoughts of the little engine that could, we are bombarded by images and challenged by others to go after our “dreams” and our life will be perfect. But here is the clincher, many people in this world have no idea what that dream is! Family, finances, obligations and just plain surviving have caused us to stay in the part of our brain that blocks out creative thinking. And THAT is where our dreams flourish…in our creative mind. It is reached by something called the Creative Child side of our spirit. It is this side of us that thinks outside the box and rocks the boat for change. It is the side of us that is spontaneous, free spirited and open for anything. That is the place that dreams are born. That is the energy we need to make our dreams come true. We all have that side of us. But for some it is louder and stronger and more powerful than for others.
So, how do we reach it? The first step is to give ourselves permission! “I give myself permission for the next ten minutes to touch that place within me where all my secret dreams live”. Then sit back and listen. Listen for your child-like voice that has been screaming with playful ideas but not been heard. With permission to dream we open up a part of our psyche that has been silenced. A part we thought didn’t exist, but was truly just hidden in the corners of our mind. Now here is the secret. There is an interesting piece to this process that must take place. In order to reach that creative side in our self we need to let go of LOGIC. An artist does not use logic to paint a picture. An actor does not use logic to embody a character. You can’t think outside the box if your logical brain has stuck you and your entire life IN a box! We need to let go of the negative logical thinking that hold us back. You know the ones that play in our minds and tell us “it can’t happen”. We need to silence those and let our creative voice be heard. We need to give ourselves permission to not be logical for one moment in our life! If you keep practicing this over and over then it will happen. One day you will wake up and your creative voice will be louder than the one that squelches your dreams.
Remember, your dreams of the future have as much of a possibility as anyone else’s! But they will never take place until you figure out what they are.
I believe in you!
So here is your Dream Challenge
Journal! Write! Dream! Become!
• What are five things you love to do that represent who you are?
• What are five things that you want to do that you have never done before?
• What is your biggest dream that you would like to accomplish THIS YEAR?
• What is your biggest dream that you would like to accomplish in your lifetime?
• What action can you take today, tomorrow and this week to move toward your dream?
• Why should you do this?
• What would it feel like to accomplish your dream?
Now ask yourself…
• What has stopped me in the past from going after my dreams?
• What do I need to change in order to move forward towards my passion?