2012 Election Year! A time when Americans are encouraged to share their vision for the future and vote on the politician who they believe will get them there. Beliefs and opinions are very personal. It reflects so much of who we are. It reflects the morals and ethics that we were raised with in our family system. But more importantly, it reflects the morals and ethics of our families that we have released from our own consciousness as we differentiated and found our own true beliefs. As I say in my book, “Are you Democratic, Republican, Liberal, Communist or otherwise because that is what YOU truly believe in? Or is it because you have not taken the time to honor that you may actually have a different voice than those around you?”. Perhaps you have not even looked at the issues deeply, instead you are being guided by the news and propaganda of the differing parties. In this day and age, it takes work to weed through the facts. But even harder is the work it takes for you to look deep within and realize that you may disagree with what you were brought up to believe. So why should you? All politics aside, this process we call DIFFERENTIATING is what I believe is the most important goal in life. When you look for and find your OWN VOICE you find your Genuine Self.
So what is your voice? What do you believe in? If you were to write your own book telling the world what you feel, what would it say? If you could be who you wanted to be without judgement from anyone, what would you share with the world? Are there people that stifle your voice? Why do you let them? What are you afraid of? Or do you stifle other people’s voices? What are you afraid of? I offer you to take some time to do some internal searching of what you think about the world and why. Then check in and see if this is what you truly believe, or what you were taught you were supposed to believe. Differentiating is being able to separate your thoughts from others and then claim what and who you are. Believe me, it is a lifelong learning experience. But it is a JOYOUS ONE! It is freedom! It is happiness! It is the never ending Journey to YOU!
Happy Travels!
THE PATH- By Shauna Hoffman
Walk the path it’s within you,
feel your fire start to rise.
It’s in KNOWING, that’s the power
to reach a lifetime that’s desired.
Giving over to your truth,
letting ego’s mind just pass,
is the moment of Enlightenment
and Your Truth shall shine at last.
And Your Truth is everlasting,
and Your Truth is oh so near.
It’s the love of only loving,
and the banishment of fear.
Walk the path it’s within you,
feel your fire start to rise.
It’s in KNOWING, that’s the power
to reach a lifetime that’s desired.